MATLAB: How to use “saveas” without pressing “ok”


I am trying to automate a Matlab script through Task Scheduler. The script works fine, but when I use the saveas function, a window still pops up asking if the filename to save it as is okay or if it should be cancel. I want it to save without this window popping up. Here is my script…
function concatFileName=myKWconcat(FileName,PathName)
PathName='T:\10 – VEHICLE TESTING RESULTS\2011 KENWORTH ISX15\10 – CANAPE FILES\1306\MAT_raw\'; FileName = mydatesearch(PathName);
S = struct('t',[]); for i=1:length(FileName) B = load([PathName char(FileName(i))]); l = length(B.t);
var_names = union(fieldnames(S),fieldnames(B));
var_new = var_names(~ismember(var_names,fieldnames(S)));
for j=1:length(var_new)
S.(var_new{j}) = zeros(length(S.t),1);
for j=1:length(var_names)
if isfield(B,var_names(j)) & length(B.(var_names{j}))==l
S.(var_names{j}) = [S.(var_names{j}); B.(var_names{j})];
S.(var_names{j}) = [S.(var_names{j}); zeros(l,1)];
disp(['File(' num2str(i) '/' num2str(length(FileName)) ') Done: ' char(FileName(i))]);
Base = strtok(FileName{1}, '_'); concatFileName = inputdlg('File Name:','Save As…',1,{[Base '_SPLBRENT3_concat.mat']}); saveas([PathName char(concatFileName)],'-struct','S','*');
clear B Base S i j l var_names var_new load([PathName char(concatFileName)]); clear concatFileName PathName

Best Answer

Your problem is:
concatFileName = inputdlg('File Name:','Save As...',1,{[Base '_SPLBRENT3_concat.mat']});
You should do "something" to make this line not apply, either by using an appropriate if statement, or by commenting it out. - But you'll still need to get a filename from somewhere.