MATLAB: How to use poly2list for specific variables

advanced symbolic toolboxadvanced symbolicspoly2list

Hi there,
In the example 2 of the help for 'poly2list', it shows as follows:
In this example the polynomial is bivariate, thus exponent vectors are returned:
poly2list((x*(y + 1))^2, [x, y])
How to use this in MATLAB? I tried feval but it shows error:
>> syms x y
>> feval(symengine, 'poly2list', (x*(y + 1))^2, [x, y])
Error using mupadengine/feval (line 163)
The number of arguments is incorrect.

Best Answer

symLIST = @(varargin)feval(symengine,'DOM_LIST',varargin{:});
feval(symengine,'poly2list', (x*(y + 1))^2, symLIST(x,y))