MATLAB: How to use pcolor for rings

pcolor rings circles

I am trying to highlight a correlation between the position of earthquakes and some parameters such as depth or magnitude… I have already divided the map according to a grid. Then I get this correlation for each small square of the grid. </matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/29722/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202015-04-24%20%C3%A0%2023.45.01.png>
Up to now, I succeeded to correlate the positions to the parameters, be it in cartesian or in polar coordinates.
Yet, I would like to correlate the mean depth of earthquakes to their positions according to the RADIUS (and only the radius, NOT the angle).
In other words, I would like to work with rings. (like the following figure)
Thank you very much for your help.

Best Answer

This looks more like an archery target than an earth section, but it at least seems to give the appearance you want. Experiment with the colours to get the result you want.
The code uses the cylinder object to create a cone, then uses the colormap to colour it by height. There might be better ways to code it, but no one has come up with one yet, so I offer mine:
c = colormap(jet(4));
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder([1:-0.25:0], 256);
hs = surf(X, Y, Z)
axis square
set(hs, 'EdgeColor','none')
view([0 90])
The plot:
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