MATLAB: How to use num2cell

num2cell data production

I'm trying to create a cell array. I'm using the below coding for the array but the third column contains data, which needs to be converted to a separate array to be seen. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
production={'Ran k' 'Country/Region' [2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010];
'2','China' [23722890,22116825,19271808,18418876,18264761];
'2','European Union',[16976883,16240989,16240476,17707126,17107350];
'3','United States',[11660699,11066432,10335765,8661535,7743093];
'6','South Korea',[4524932,4521429,4561766,4657094,4271741];

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