MATLAB: How to use not equal to ‘~=’ operator in if statement

avoid overfittingif statementMATLAB

My code works fine with '==' but not with '~='.I expect it not to display 'error' if user enters A or B
x=input('input x','s')

Best Answer

A problem of elementary logic?
You want an error to return only if A is not in the set {'A','B'}. So a call to ismember might be a good alternative.
Regardless, given the approach you have followed, if x is equal to 'A', then the second half of the clause will be true, even though the first part of the clause is false. And the logical statement
false || true
is TRUE.
You are asking for a result that is only true when BOTH parts of the clause are true. Use a logical and, NOT a logical or.
if(x~='A') && (x~='B')
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