MATLAB: HOW to use NN tool in MATLAB ? and then what are input to give

Deep Learning Toolboximage processingImage Processing Toolboxneural network

use NN tool in MATLAB ? and then what are input

Best Answer

You have to define the "I"nput matrix, x, with size I x N consisting of N I-dimensional input vectors and corresponding "O"utput target matrix, t, with size O x N consisting of N O-dimensional output target vectors. After training, the resulting output matrix, y, will have the same dimensions as the target matrix.
For beginners, it is recommended to begin with the regression/curve-fitting function FITNET and SISO function defined by 1-dimensional matrices with I=O=1.
Hope this helps.
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PS the commands: help nndatasets & doc nndatasets will list data sets that are available for practice.