MATLAB: How to use neural network to classify different signs made with hands?(hand gesture recognition)

Deep Learning Toolboxhand gesture recognitionneural network

Hi,i am doing project on hand gesture recognition. i have done pre proessing & feature extraction .feature matrix is of 31*31. i need to use neural network for classification.please tell me what shoud be the size of target vector?is it an identity matrix of 31*31?how to use neural network for this method?i want output '1' when first feature vector is given as an input,likevise for others feature vectors.

Best Answer

For N I-dimensional feature vectors from c classes
[ I N ] = size(input)
[ c N ] = size(target)
where the columns of target are c-dimensional columns from the unit matrix eye(c).
The correspondence between the targets and class indices are given by
target = ind2vec(classindices)
classindices = vec2ind(target)
Hope this helps.
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