MATLAB: How to use multisurf to plot 3 surfaces on one plot


Hi there, I am new to matlab and am trying to use the multisurf tool to plot 3 surfaces on one plot. I have been using the code below but keep getting the error messages –
Error using Invalid parameter/value pair arguments.
Error in (line 8) set(obj, pvpairs{:});
Error in
Error in surf (line 139) hh ={:});
Error in multisurf (line 46) h(i) = surf(x{i},y{i},z{i});
Code used:
filename = 'b1_b4_sqr_clp.txt'; delimiterIn = ' '; headerlinesIn = 6; A = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
filename = 'b1_af_sqr_clp.txt'; delimiterIn = ' '; headerlinesIn = 6; B = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
filename = 'b2_af_sqr_clp.txt'; delimiterIn = ' '; headerlinesIn = 6; C = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
[xs,ys] = meshgrid(0:0.001:5.799);
A = num2cell(; B = num2cell(; C = num2cell(;
x = {xs xs xs}; y = {ys ys ys}; z = {A B C}; color = {'r','g','b'}; multisurf(x,y,z,color)
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Best Answer

Do not use num2cell on the data you are bundling. Just A = and so on.