MATLAB: How to use multiple output arguments from a compiled .NET assembly in Visual Basic

MATLAB Compilermicrosoftnetvb

I have built a .NET assembly of the following MATLAB function:
function [a,b] = TwoOutputs()
[a, b] = eig([1 2;3 4]);
I would like to retrieve 'a' and 'b' in a Visual Basic project.

Best Answer

One of the ways of retrieving multiple output arguments in VB, is by collecting the output in an instance of MWArray, and then creating separate instances of MWNumericArray(s), or equivalent types.
The example below shows how to use the two output arguments of the function described above:
Dim myObj As TwoOutputCompClass = New TwoOutputCompClass()
' Invoke the appropriate constructor for MWArray by explicitly specifying the number of output arguments
Dim argsOut() As MWArray = myObj.TwoOutputs(2)
Dim resultArray1 As MWNumericArray = New MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, MWNumericType.Double, argsOut(0).NumberOfElements)
Dim resultArray2 As MWNumericArray = New MWNumericArray(MWArrayComplexity.Real, MWNumericType.Double, argsOut(1).NumberOfElements)
Dim idx As Integer = Nothing
For idx = 1 To argsOut(0).NumberOfElements
resultArray1(idx) = (CType(argsOut(0), MWNumericArray))(idx)
resultArray2(idx) = (CType(argsOut(1), MWNumericArray))(idx)
Next idx
Console.WriteLine("EigVal: {0}", resultArray1)
Console.WriteLine("EigVec: {0}", resultArray2)
For another detailed example, please see the "Spectral Analysis Example" here: