MATLAB: How to use multiple GPUs to solve one algebraic system

gpu computing

I have multiple GPUs. How to use these GPUs to solve one algebraic system? Thx!

Best Answer

Mostly you cannot.
Howeve in some cases you can manually segment out the work to be done into multiple processes using parfor() or parfeval() . Each worker will automatically be allocated a different GPU (provided there are as many GPUs as workers.)
You cannot access multiple GPUs from the same worker -- or rather every time you do, using gpu device selection, you reset the GPU that was being used and it stops the work it was doing.
When I say manually segment out the work, I mean that in some cases it can make sense to work on a smaller part of the problem and combine the results later. It does not work to just do something like
N = 1e4; %must be even for this example

A = gpuarray(rand(N, N));
parpool 2
b = eig(A);
This will not distribute the eig work over two GPUs!
But sometimes for some operations you can do things like
N = 1e4; %must be even for this example
A = rand(N, N);
Ap{1} = A(1:N/2, 1:N/2);
Ap{2} = A(1:N/2, N/2+1:N);
Ap{3} = A(N/2+1:N, 1:N/2);
Ap{4} = A(N/2+1:N, N/2+1:N);
Ep = cell(1,4);
parpool 2
parfor K = 1 : numel(Ap)
ga = gpuArray(Ap{K});
ge = SomeFunction(ga);
Ep{K} = gather(ge);
and then combine the results that are in Ep