MATLAB: How to use @mldivide together with pagefun on the GPU

linear solvermrdividepagefunparallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxparallelization

I need to solve a lot of batches of xA = B problems and I'm experimenting with different solutions to see which type is fastest. And since pagefun supports mldivide I suspect it could be the perfect function for what I want to do. However, I have never fully understood the concept behind how it works and the documentation only gives examples of multiplication problems that I can't completely relate to what I want to do.
So could someone please just provide a small example or tell me how to use pagefun with mldivide to solve several xA = B at the same time so I can see how it should be set up?
Say for example I have an A of size = [100 10 15] and a B of size = [100 1 15] and I want to solve the problem for the 15 different versions along the third dimension. So in a loop it would be:
for i = 1 : 15
But how do I use pagefun to do this in parallel without the loop? If I write it as:
A = gpuArray.rand(100, 10,15);
B = gpuArray.rand(100, 1, 15);
x = pagefun(@mldivide, A, B);
I get:
Error using gpuArray/pagefun
The number of rows and columns of each page of the divisor must be equal when
This is probably very trivial to everyone else, but I just don’t get it. Could someone clarify how this is done? Thanks!

Best Answer

Your systems are rectangular. You can only solve square systems with pagefun, sorry.
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