MATLAB: How to use matlab to solve this function


Hello, I have the following function and I already solved it , but I want to use Maltab to show these step
What function should I use ?
Thanh you !!!

Best Answer

syms x(t) y(t)
d = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
d(t) = 
d__prime = simplify(diff(d,t))
d__prime(t) = 
syms x__prime y__prime
L = simplify(subs(subs(d__prime, {diff(x(t),t), diff(y(t),t)}, {x__prime, y__prime}), {x(t),y(t)}, {4*sqrt(2), 4*sqrt(2)}))
L(t) = 
eqn = subs(L, x__prime, -8) == -7*sqrt(2)
eqn(t) = 
answer = y__prime == solve(eqn, y__prime)
answer = 
However, you cannot get from there to y = -6 as you are given that