MATLAB: How to use MATLAB in English on the Chinese machine


I would like to know if there is a way to get MATLAB in English on my Chinese machine.

Best Answer

The default behavior is for MATLAB to come up in Chinese on Chinese machines. In order to display MATLAB in English, please refer to steps below:
For MATLAB R2015a and newer versions:
Go to MATLAB Menu > Preferences > General > Desktop Language > Select the language for the desktop and error messages > English
and then restart MATLAB. Note that the 'Desktop Language' box will only appear in your preferences menu if your computer locale is set to something other than English. 
For MATLAB R2014a and R2014b:
The Chinese content can be disabled by setting an environment variable:
If you want to switch it back to Chinese, please use:
In Windows, the environment variable can be added by right clicking: My Computer => Properties => Advanced System Settings => Advanced => Environment Variables => System Variables. 
To do this on a Mac follow these steps:
1) launch AppleScript Editor, enter the command:do shell script "launchctl setenv MWLOCALE_TRANSLATED OFF"
2) Save (⌘+s) as File format: Application.
3) Open System Settings → Users & Groups → Login Items and add your new application.
4) Restart your computer
In Mac versions earlier than OSx 10.10 (Yosemite) you could instead edit the /etc/launchd.conf file to set your environment variable:
1) In a terminal enter the command:
sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf
2) press i to enter text and add the following line to the file:
3) press escape, then :wq to save the file and close the text editor.
For MATLAB prior to R2014a
Please contact MathWorks Technical Support at:
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