MATLAB: How to use Matlab command line to open/close signal viewer interfaces in Simulink 7.8 (R2011b)


I have a signal viewer attached to a signal line in my Simulink model. I want to open and close this signal viewer through MATLAB command line interface. I do not want to interact with the Simulink interface by double clicking on its symbol on the model. I have subsystems in my model and the signal viewer could be attached to any level in the model.

Best Answer

Consider the model 'testMdl.mdl'. There is a viewer named "MyViewer" in the top layer of the model and there is another viewer named 'ViewerInSubsystem' inside the subsystem. I can open and close these viewers from MATLAB command line using the following code:
>> mdl = 'testMdl';
>> open_system(mdl);
>> set_param( [mdl '/MyViewer'],'open','on');
>> set_param( [mdl '/ViewerInSubsystem'],'open','on');
>> set_param( [mdl '/MyViewer'],'open','off');
>> set_param( [mdl '/ViewerInSubsystem'],'open','off');
However deep the signal viewer is in the model, they can always be accessed programmatically by specifying the model name and the signal viewer name. It is not necessary to point to the location where the viewer exists in the model.