MATLAB: How to use lsim() function for solving and plotting Initial Value Response

plotting with matrices involved

I am wondering how I can use the lsim() function to solve and plot the Initial Value Response solution to a state space representation problem.
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t = [0:0.01:10] x0 = [1;-1] [t,y] = lsim(@sysP1,u,t,x0)
function dx = sysP1(t, x) A = [0 1; -5 -2]; B = [0;1]; K = [-1 1]; u = K*x; dx = A*x + B*u; end

Best Answer

To use lsim, you would have to configure your system with state feedback using the feedback (link) function or more appropriately, the reg (link) or related functions (linked to in that page).
You can easily use the code for your system as it exists with ode45:
function dx = sysP1(t, x)
A = [0 1; -5 -2]; B = [0;1]; K = [-1 1];
u = K*x;
dx = A*x + B*u;
t = [0:0.01:10]
x0 = [1;-1]
[t,y] = ode45(@sysP1,t,x0);
plot(t, y)