MATLAB: How to use loops to model a function of displacement changing with respect to angle over time


I have been trying to model the function of displacement (as you can see here: To do this I was trying to do a loop function on MATLAB, with a step size of 1/36th of a second from 0s to 1s.
Here is my code so far:
clear all
%recorded constants
h = 60;
b = 130;
r = 135;
w = 2*pi; % angular velocity
for t =0:(1/36):1 % Starts from 2s with a step size of 2 until 60s
t2(i+1) = t; %Time function to progress with 1 step intervals

Best Answer

You have a few typos in your implementation and you do not need a for loop either. Here is the code;
h = 60;
b = 130;
r = 135;
w = 2*pi; % angular velocity
t =0:(1/36):1;
x = b*(r*sin(w*t))./(h-r*cos(w*t));
I recommend you insert the picture to your question next time using "image" icon, which makes it easier to answer the question.