MATLAB: How to use linspace for a function already defined


Hi there,
I am using triple integrals to evaluate the volume of a cylindrical shaped item. I need to graph the volume as a result of an angle, but I can't seem to use linspace first to define a set of angles and then integrate after. Instead, I set the angle as a symbolic variable and did the variable, ending up with:
V1 = -125*pi*(tan(a1) - 1)
where a1 is the angle
How do I use linspace now to find V1 for a set of a1 angles? Basically, how do I turn a1 from a symbolic variable to a set of values (ex. a1 = linspace(0, pi);)
My end goal is to plot V1 as a function of a1, with a bound on a1 from 0 to pi in my example.
Let me know if this is unclear.

Best Answer

a1_vals = linspace(0, pi);
V1_vals = double( subs(V1, a1, a1_vals) );
plot(a1_vals, V1_vals)