MATLAB: How to use incomplete gamma function GAMMAINC in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) to accept symbolic input

gammagammaincSymbolic Math Toolboxsyms

I want to pass in symbolic variables as input to the GAMMAINC function. The GAMMA function accepts symbolic input but the GAMMAINC function does not.

Best Answer

The ability to pass in symbolic input to the GAMMAINC function is not available as of MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b). This function accepts only real numbers or scalars.
The GAMMA function in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) has an overloaded GAMMA function within the Symbolic Toolbox, which is called when you pass symbloic inputs to the GAMMA function.
But there is no overloaded GAMMAINC function in the Symbolix Toolbox 3.2.2 (R2007b).
As a workaround, you can download 'gamma_symbolic.m' file. This is a modified version of the GAMMA function to handle two input variables. By this, you can achieve the functionality of GAMMAINC command.
In order to see if you are able to use Maple as the Symbolic Engine with your Symbolic Math Toolbox, please view the solution linked at the bottom of this page under Related Solutions.