MATLAB: How to use imwrite for an image sequence

Image Processing Toolboximage sequenceimreadimshowimwrite

Hello, I have been using a special file format that processes image sequence and I have a stack of images in a 3D file format. I have been using a custom matlab code that reads the 3d file and I can open all the images in the sequence using 'imshow' command but I am not sure how to save all the images I have opened sequentially without having to do it manually. How can I call these files I am opening using 'imshow' as a variable? This is my code: A= WURead3D('trialresults_000900.wu'); i=68; for k=1:i figure,imshow(A(:,:,k),[]); title(sprintf('900 # %d',k)); end

Best Answer

Try this:
A= WURead3D('trialresults_000900.wu');
folder = pwd; % or whatever.
numSlices = size(A, 3);
numRows = ceil(sqrt(numSlices));
for k = 1 : size(A, 3)
subplot(numRows, numRows, k);
caption = sprintf('900 # %d', k);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 30);
baseFileName = sprintf('Slice %d.png', k);
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
imwrite(A(:,:,k), fullFileName);