MATLAB: How to use if-then with matrix indices

ifthenmatrix indices

Hi, I got a matrix n by n of a symbolic value a. And I want to change the value of a based on the matrix indices.
syms a
for i=1:1:n
for j=1:1:n
if j=1 or j=i then a=4
else a=8
Could you please help? thanks

Best Answer

You certainly don't need a loop to generate your a.
a = ones(n) * 8; %default value everywhere
[rows, cols] = ndgrid(1:n); %matrices of row and column indices
a(rows == 1 | rows == cols) = 4; %substitute when condition is met
Note that because your i and j variables are meaningless, it's not clear whether you meant it to be column 1 or row 1 that get sets to 4. I assume it was rows but it's obvious how to change it to columns. Using variable names with meaning makes the code much clearer. Moreover i and j are actually functions in matlab, so are not recommended as variable names anyway.