MATLAB: How to use “IF” statement to prevent adding same element to an array


So I have a matrix A
A = [ 1 2 3;
2 3 4;
4 5 6]
I create another matrix B where B =[] and the element in B will be added from A. Matrix B becomes
B = [ 1 2;
2 3;
3 1;
2 3;
3 4;
4 2]
The forloop technically go through each row of A to pick the elements for each row of B. B is nx2 matrix. As we can see, "2 3" is repeated. I want to make an If statement that prevent adding existing row in B.
Please help, thank you so much.

Best Answer

Would it be acceptable to just remove duplicated rows after-the-fact? If so, you could do
B = unique(B,'rows');
It seems likely that this would be more efficient than checking each row against all prior rows, while B is being constructed.