MATLAB: How to use GPU and CPU simultaneously in a for loop

gpuparallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxparfeval

% n be the number of iterations : 6
% A be the two dimensional matrix of size 10*10 stored in three dimension.
for i=1:n
1)Here, n is the number of iterations and each iterations can run independently, I wanted to use both CPU and GPU i.e if (i==1) is running on CPU, (i==2) should run on GPU. If for example, GPU completes before CPU, then it should automatically carry on with the next iteration which is (i==3). Once the CPU completes, (i==1), it should proceed with (i==4) and so on. Both GPU and CPU should run asynchronously, where GPU itself should run in an asynchronous manner. How should I implement this ?
2) If i have 2 gpu's then same as the above method, if (i==1) is running on CPU, (i==2) should run on GPU1 and (i==3)should un on GPU2. Which ever completes work faster should take next iteration and so on. How to implement this ?

Best Answer

You can't make the CPU and GPU do alternating loop iterations, but you can divide the slices of A into two batches, and make the CPU and GPU work asynchronously on their respective batch, as below.
Acpu=A(:,:,1:n/2); %chunk #1 : send to CPU
Agpu=gpuArray(A(:,:,n/2+1:end)); %chunk #2 : send to GPU with device index 1
F(1)=parFeval(p, @deploy,2,Acpu);
F(2)=parFeval(p, @deploy,2,Agpu,1);
[Q,R] = fetchOutputs(F,'UniformOutput',false); % Blocks until complete
function [q,r]=deploy(a,Id)
if nargin>1, gpuDevice(Id);end
for i=size(a,3):-1:1
Naturally, you should pass the gpuDevice ID numbers that are actually assigned to the graphics cards on your machine. Above, I've assumed they are numbered 1,2, etc...