MATLAB: How to use global variable as local variable


I have global variables x,y and z i want to use it as local variables how can i use them?

Best Answer

"How to use global variable as local variable"
The best answer is "don't". Good code does not use globals: "I have never seen MATLAB code where globals were the right thing to do.... Most of the time I have seen globals being used it was a situation where the code author did not understand scoping of variables. Rather than pass variables from one function to another, they were just being made global."
If you really want to program using buggy methods (eg using globals), then declare them at the top of your function, exactly as the global documentation shows:
global X Y
Note that using globals is a bad programming practice that will make your code very hard to debug. Passing arguments is much more robust, and is the recommended way of passing data between workspaces: