MATLAB: How to use Genetic Algorithm (GA) for multi-objective function (Dynamic Optimization)


I need to optimize this multiobjective function using GA:
X= sum (a1+b1+c1-d1+(N1/S))
Y= sum (a2+b2+c2-d2+(N2/S))
All other variables are known (however, dynamically changed), excepted (b1,b2) which needed to optimized to get the optimal value of (Z)

Best Answer

This does not look like a multiobjective problem to me. You have a single scalar objective Z. Furthermore, it seems to be an unbounded problem, with no finite minimum (I mean it seems that b1 and b2 could take the values -Inf, and then Z would also have the value -Inf, which is the minimum).
If I misunderstand, feel free to clarify.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation