MATLAB: How to use FOR loops to shorten IF statements

for loopif statement

I have a if structure with 19 elseif parts. Is there any way to use a for loop to write elseif once and control it by a for loop?
If expression1 == 1
elseif expression1 == 2
statement1 + 1
elseif expression1 == 20
statement1 + 19

Best Answer

You can use a switch statement but it doesn't reduce the number of lines - in fact it makes it one more.
Since the expression evaluates to an integer, and (I guess) you're adding the very same integer to the "statement1" variable, you can replace the whole "if" structure with this:
statement1 = statement1 + expression1 - 1 % Add (expression1 value - 1) to statement1 variable.