MATLAB: How to use for loop to get the minimum number in an array

arraycomparefor loopminimum

For simplicity, I have
A=[ 11 7 10 9 6 4 3]
I want to have a for loop to compare each of the elements in A with the latest minimum number from the for loop to get the final minimum number in A.
For example, when A(1) compare with B, min=8, then i continue with the A(2) compare with min=8, this time min=7. After that, A(3) compare with min=7, new min=7. The steps continue till the last elements of A.

Best Answer

A = [ 11 7 10 9 6 4 3]
B = 8
result = min([A B])
% or if you insist on using a for-loop (why?)
result = B
for k = 1:numel(A)
if A(k) < result,
result = A(k)