MATLAB: How to use fminbnd correct Re: steepest descent method

I am trying to code a steepest descent problem. I have the main file:
I have edited my file and combined the two functions into one .
The objective function is "c". The variables in this problem are q, t and alpha. q and t appear in "c", while alpha appears in the re-expressed anonymous function based off "c" in the later part of the code.
I'm trying to minimize c using the steepest descent problem. First I find the gradient (partial differential equations of c with respect to q and t), then i use subs and double to generate new values of q and t with each iteration in the while loop. I also use fminbnd as a line search to find the value of the step size, "alpha" that minimizes the objective function during each iteration.
syms q t alpha
a = 0.20; %annual fixed charges, fraction
c_c = 12.50; %crude oil price, $/kL
c_i = 0.50; %insurance cost, $/kL
c_x = 0.90; %customs cost, $/kL
i = 0.10; %interest rate
n = 2; %number of ports
p = 7000; %land price, $/m2
c = c_c + c_i + c_x + ...
+ (2.09e4*t.^-0.3017) / 360 ...
+ (1.064e6*a*t.^0.4925) / (52.47*q*360) ...
+ (4.242e4*a*t^0.7952) / (52.47*q.*360) ...
+ (1.813*i*p*(n*t+1.2*q).^0.861) / (52.47*q*360) ...
+ 4.25e3*a*(n*t+1.2*q) / (52.47*q*360) ...
+ (5.024e3*q.^-0.1899)/360 + (0.1049*q.^0.671)/360;
k=0; % iteration counter start for outer loop
eps=1; %tolerance for outer loop
x=[150000;450000]; %initial starting point
dq=diff(c,q); %equation of partial differentiation of c wrt q
dt=diff(c,t); %equation of partial differentiation of c wrt t
alpha = 100000; %initial step size for outer loop
while eps>1e-10 & k<10000 %tolerance and number of iterations
eps=double(abs(subs(dq, [q,t], [x(1),x(2)]))+abs(subs(dt, [q,t], [x(1),x(2)])));
% I used subs & double to make the partial differentiation terms dq and dt
% scalar to calculate eps.
a1 = x(1) - alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]));
a2 = x(2) - alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]));
[alpha1,fval] = fminbnd(@(alpha) (c_c + c_i + c_x + ...
+ (2.09e4*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^-0.3017) / 360 ...
+ (1.064e6*a*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^0.4925) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ (4.242e4*a*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])^0.7952) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).*360) ...
+ (1.813*i*p*(n*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])+1.2*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])).^0.861) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ 4.25e3*a*(n*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])+1.2*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ (5.024e3*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^-0.1899)/360 + (0.1049*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^0.671)/360))))))))))))))))))))))))))),10,120000)
alpha = alpha1;
The problem is that I can get the code working, but the values of q, t and alpha are changing extremely slowly in each iteration.
I'm also having problems with "alpha" – in theory, "alpha" is supposed to change with each iteration, however my alpha value always takes on the maximum value (upper bound) in fminbnd and remains stationary.
If I remove this portion of the code:
[alpha1,fval] = fminbnd(@(alpha) (c_c + c_i + c_x + ...
+ (2.09e4*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^-0.3017) / 360 ...
+ (1.064e6*a*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^0.4925) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ (4.242e4*a*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])^0.7952) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).*360) ...
+ (1.813*i*p*(n*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])+1.2*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])).^0.861) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ 4.25e3*a*(n*(x(2)-alpha*double(subs(dt,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])+1.2*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])) / (52.47*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)])*360) ...
+ (5.024e3*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^-0.1899)/360 + (0.1049*(x(1)-alpha*double(subs(dq,[q,t],[x(1),x(2)]).^0.671)/360))))))))))))))))))))))))))),10,120000)
alpha = alpha1;
The convergence rate increases greatly. Any idea as to what may be causing this issue?

Best Answer

The convergence rate increases greatly. Any idea as to what may be causing this issue?
Well, steepest descent is known to be slow, which is why nobody ever uses it, except as a textbook example. Taking a shorter step, as you do when removing the fminbnd line search, has a chance of landing you somewhere where the gradient points more directly toward the global minimum, thus speeding convergence.
I would be interested to know, however, whether your "faster" convergence is bringing you to the correct solution. I would also be interested to know how much the gradient is changing in the faster version.