MATLAB: How to use First button function codes “symbol name” in Second button function in App Designer

app designerfunction

I have an image. In app designer , I use "axes application" to add image there. When I click first button I add image and show it in Axes area.
I added second button . In second button I want to filter that same image when I click it.
For example my image name is "imgf" and I use imshow(img) when I click first button and show it. I want to use that "imgf" in my second button. But it gives error.
Because that "imgf" belongs to in first button function codes. How will I use that "imgf" in my second button function codes.
Codes are below
% Callbacks that handle component events
methods (Access = private)
% Button pushed function: SelectAnImageButton
function SelectAnImageButtonPushed(app, event)
global imgf;
[filename pathname]= uigetfile({'*.jpg'},"Open file");
fullpathname= strcat(pathname,filename);
% Button pushed function: FilterTheImageButton
function FilterTheImageButtonPushed(app, event)
img=imgaussfilt(imgf); % I want to use "imgf" in here to filter the image

Best Answer

Don't use global variables. There are many other ways to share data between callbacks. You should probably store the variable in a property.