MATLAB: How to use FIND function here


I need to find the very first corresponding value of the payload when time is 0.0000.
Next,find the corresponding value of payload when time is 1.000.Likewise when time is 2.0000 and time is 3.0000. (pls note that payload column needs to convert to decimal values) [file is attached, herewith]
below is the code i used so far:
clear all
data=textscan(fid, '%*d%f%*s%*s%*s%*d%s', 40 ...
, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'HeaderLines',1);
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

"I need to get 1st and 3rd column as my output." &nbsp Is this what you want?
data=textscan(fid, '%*d%f%*s%*s%*s%*d%s', 40 ...
, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'HeaderLines',1);
S = hex2dec(data{2});
my_output = cat( 2, data{1}, S );
>> whos my_output
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
my_output 40x2 640 double
"How to use FIND function here?" &nbsp I cannot see how find could be used here.
Addendum with inputs from the comments
Add the following lines to the script above.
sbs = floor(my_output(:,1)) + 1;
val = accumarray( sbs, my_output(:,2), [], @mean );
t1 = accumarray( sbs, my_output(:,1), [], @min );
t2 = accumarray( sbs, my_output(:,1), [], @max );
out = [ t1, t2, val ];
fprintf( '%g, %g, %g\n', transpose( out ) )
The script will now output
0, 0.998058, 4.39375e+12
1.09832, 1.99722, 4.39375e+12
2.09746, 2.99636, 4.39375e+12
3.09557, 3.89427, 4.39375e+12
A second addendum with inputs from the comments
val = accumarray( sbs, my_output(:,2), [], @mean );
first_value = @(vec) vec(1);
val = accumarray( sbs, my_output(:,2), [], first_value );
to get "very first corresponding value of the payload".
From testing and the documentation I understand that accumarray does not keep the order of the input values.
Correction: "does not keep" should be "does keep". If not, the function, first_value would be useless.