MATLAB: How to use feature matrix for neural network

neural network

I have made two feature matrices ( the purpose was to classify weather infection exist or not in a leaf) of size 80×16 and 40×16 respectively. The first one was for training images(80 images with 16 features) and other is test images(40 images with 16 features). I had also classified them accurately using SVM classifier. Now i want to classify those same images with the help of NEURAL NETWORK. Please suggest what can I do

Best Answer

input = ...
target = [ repmat([1;0],1,80) repmat([0;1],1,40);
[ I N ] = size(input); % [ 16 120 ]
[ O N ] = size(target); % [ 2 120 ]
help patternnet
doc patternet
greg patternnet
Hope this helps.
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