MATLAB: How to use Excel Link functions from VBA instead of from an Excel spreadsheet

activecelladdressmatlabrequestmlevalstringmlgetmatrixmlgetvarmlputmatrixmlputvarobjectrangeselectionSpreadsheet Link

Are there examples of using Excel Link functions from VBA code in the Excel VB Editor, rather than from an Excel spreadsheet, available?

Best Answer

This example assumes that you have configured Excel to work with Excel Link. If not, please see the Excel Link User's Guide for instructions on how to do so.
In particular, this example requires that:
1. MATLAB has been initialized via "startmatlab" or "matlabinit"
2.Excel Link has been enabled as an Excel Add-In (Tools -> Add-Ins)
3. In Excel VB Editor, Excllink is checked as a reference (Tools -> References).
Option Base 1
Sub Method1()
MLShowMatlabErrors "yes"
Dim Vone(2, 2) As Double 'Input
Vone(1, 1) = 1
Vone(1, 2) = 2
Vone(2, 1) = 3
Vone(2, 2) = 4
MLPutMatrix "a", Range("A1:B2")
MLPutVar "b", Vone
MLEvalString ("c = a*b")
MLEvalString ("d = eig(c)")
'''From MATLAB:
Dim Vtwo As Variant 'Output
MLGetVar "c", Vtwo
MsgBox "c is" & Vtwo(1, 1)
MLGetMatrix "b", Range("A7:B8").Address
MLGetMatrix "c", "Sheet1!A4:B5"
MLGetMatrix "d", ActiveCell.Address
End Sub
Also see the related solution concerning how the MLGetMatrix function can handle range objects using their "Address" properties.