MATLAB: How to use disjoint constraints with intlinprog? Two variables can’t have the same solution (x1-x2 != 0)


I have a a number of people which have to go into rooms in pairs. If two people know each other they cannot go into the same room (and some cost function to maximize). I was trying to use intlinprog and having the solution vector be the people, where the value of the vector at each position is the room each person goes to.
x1 (Joe)
x2 (Mary)
There are 3 rooms. So the bounds are:
1 <= x1,x2 <= 3
Joe knows Mary so my constraint would be:
x1-x2 != 0
Since they have to go to different rooms. How do I add this constraint to intlinprog? Any light shed on this ways to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

x_ij decision variable ; x_ij = 1 if person i enters room j, x_ij=0 else.
For Mary and Joe and three rooms this means that the three inequalities
x_Mary,1 + x_Joe,1 <= 1
x_Mary,2 + x_Joe,2 <= 1
x_Mary,3 + x_Joe,3 <= 1
must hold.
Best wishes