MATLAB: How to use “dir” command to get desired files in a folder

dir command

I can read files inside a folder by using this piece of code..
Flame_speed_folder = '/home/ali/Test_rig';
Allfiles = dir(fullfile(Flame_speed_folder, '*.txt'));
allData = [];
for k = 1:length(Allfiles)
initialFileName = Allfiles(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(Flame_speed_folder, initialFileName);
allData(end+1:end+size(READ,1), :) = READ;
How ever this will read all txt files in that folder.
I have files like "ign_phi1.0_p20E05_50.txt", "ign_phi1.0_p3.75E05_37.txt", "ign_phi2.0_p3.75E05_47.txt"………….. and so one and another types of file like "lfs_p1.01E05_T298_15.txt", "lfs_p1.01E05_T298_16.txt"….. and so on.
How can i read the "ign" and "lfs" files separeately using this "dir" command.

Best Answer

dir('ign*.txt') and dir('ifs*.txt') should be able to separate them.