MATLAB: How to use different file format in MATLAB

data importdigital image processingimageimage analysisimage processingimage segmentation

Hi there,
I was using same file format (.tif) as input while processing with my following code. However, I have got new images with other formats like jpg, bmp.
I was previously using the below line and every time I need to change the extension manually in
M = dir(fullfile(imgPath,'*.tif'));
to work with different extension.
In most cases in one folder of the file extensions are different it only works with .tif and ignore others.
Any advice will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Just get all the files in the directory and keep only the ones with the extensions you want. You could even get the list of all valid image extension from imformats:
%option 1:
extensions = {'bmp', 'tif', jpg'}; %define allowed extensions yourself
%option 2:
registry = imformats; %get all image type supported by matlab
extensions = [registry.ext]; %and get their extensions
allfiles = dir(fullfile(somepath, '*.*'));
isimage = arrayfun(@(f) ~f.isdir && any(strcmp(regexp(, '\.(.*)$', 'tokens', 'once'), extensions')), allfiles);
imagefiles = allfiles(isimage);
for imagefile = imagefiles'
Im = imread(fullfile(somepath,;