MATLAB: How to use dbstop if naninf

dbstop conditional naninf

I want to ask matlab to stop anywhere in my functions, a variable becomes nan or inf. I defined a function buggy(x) (which is a matlab example in help page of dbstop).
function z = buggy(x)
n = length(x);
z = (1:n)./x;
I just added one line ( u=8/0) to see how dbstop if naninf works. when I ran, matlab started violating. The response is in the following code:
>> dbstop if naninf
>> buggy(3)
u =
NaN/Inf breakpoint hit for buggy on line 3.
Stopping at next line.
3 u=8/0
4 z = (1:n)./x;
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
20 if ~isfloat(value)
399 if numel(var) > numelLimit
20 if ~isfloat(value)
...and continuing...
and matlab stays in debugging mode and if I try doing something in matlab, it freezez.
Am I using dbstop in a wrong syntax or a wrong place?
I want matlab to stop and any inf/nan that that I have produced in my own codes. apparently it stops in its own built-in matlab files as well.

Best Answer

You're definitely not doing anything wrong. It works fine for me. What version of MATLAB is this? Maybe try again after restarting MATLAB? Or maybe try reinstalling.