MATLAB: How to use datetime on the x-axis of the errorplot.

datetimeerrorbarMATLABplotx axis

So I have tried this with the normal plot function and then it works, but as I replace plot with errorbar it doesn't work anymore(of course I delete the extra information that is required for the error part of errorbar). This is the error I get when using datetime with errorbar: error using datetime/double (line 1468). Undefined function 'double' for input arguments of type 'datetime'.
Here is a bit of that code:
datums = ['25-09-2015'; '01-10-2015'; '06-10-2015'; '08-10-2015'; '15-10-2015'; '20-10-2015'; '21-10-2015'; '26-10-2015'; '27-10-2015';'28-10-2015'];
datums1 = datetime(datums,'Format','dd-MM-yyyy');
piek1 = [-4;-5;-6;-8;-1;-2;-4;-3;-4;-5];
error1 = [0.3960; 0.5300; 0.4830; 0.1800; 0.2330; 0.4210; 0.5910; 1.0170; 1.6480; 0.7370];
errorbar(datums1,piek1, error1) % gives error
% or plot(datums1,piek1) % this one does work correctly and as I want it to
Is there a way to plot datetime data on the x-axis of a errorbar plot (and still have it be in automatic mode)?

Best Answer

Some plot functions don’t work and play well with datetime objects for some reason. A work-around is to use the datenum and datetick functions:
datums = ['25-09-2015'; '01-10-2015'; '06-10-2015'; '08-10-2015'; '15-10-2015'; '20-10-2015'; '21-10-2015'; '26-10-2015'; '27-10-2015';'28-10-2015'];
datnms = datenum(datums,'dd-mm-yyyy');
piek1 = [-4;-5;-6;-8;-1;-2;-4;-3;-4;-5];
error1 = [0.3960; 0.5300; 0.4830; 0.1800; 0.2330; 0.4210; 0.5910; 1.0170; 1.6480; 0.7370];
errorbar(datnms,piek1, error1) % gives error
datetick('x', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
You also had an error in your date format. The two-digit ‘month’ format is 'mm', minutes is 'MM'. (I fixed those here.)