MATLAB: How to use Data Range Specification (DRS) on static variables in PolySpace Client for C/C++ 7.0 (R2009a)

drsPolyspace Client for C/C++

I want to use Data Range Specification (DRS) for static variables in PolySpace Client for C/C++ 7.0 (R2009a).

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The ability to use static variables with DRS is not supported in PolySpace Client for C/C++ 7.0 (R2009a).
As a workaround, you can try setting "main-generator-writes-variables = all" in your configuration. However, you will run into issues if you have the same static variable defined in multiple source files.