MATLAB: How to use condition to output a new matrix

errorif statementmatrix

I am using the following statement to
Sim_EVT is 1570×1 (double)
CA is 1570×1(double)
if (Sim_EVT > CB) && (Sim_EVT <(CB+CA)))
ClassB2 = CA.*0.7761194029850746;
ClassB2 = 0;
I need to output a new matrix of (1570×1) if the condition meets.
I am getting the following error
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in AssetPathsPlot (line 53)
if ((Sim_EVT > CB) && (Sim_EVT <(CB+CA)))

Best Answer

Just use one &:
if (Sim_EVT > CB) & (Sim_EVT <(CB+CA)))
You can probably do ths in one line:
ClassB2 = (CA.*0.7761194029850746).*((Sim_EVT > CB) & (Sim_EVT <(CB+CA)));
Note: I cannot test this, since I do not have your data. It should work.