MATLAB: How to Use Character String as a For Loop Variable.

characterfor loopMATLABstringvariable

I am attempting to use a character string as a variable in the following for loop:
Spring_Type = "Closed and Ground";
if Spring_Type = "Open";
Pitch = (Free_Length - D_Wire)/A_Coils;
elseif Spring_Type = "Open and Ground";
Pitch = Free_Length/Tot_Coils;
Pitch = (Free_Length - (2*D_Wire))/A_Coils;
elseif Spring_Type = "Closed";
Pitch = (Free_Length - (3*D_Wire))/A_Coils;
elseif Spring_Type = "Closed and Ground";
Pitch = (Free_Length - (2*D_Wire))/A_Coils;
All the other variables are fully defined in a section before this. When I run this section I get the following error:
Could someone explain why I cannot use a character string as a variable, and if there is an alternative way to achieve what I am doing?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

The condition must output a logical. Use e.g. isequal or ==
if isequal(Spring_type,'Open')
if Spring_type == 'Open'