MATLAB: How to use boxchart()


I am trying to use a boxchart for the first time as opposed to a boxplot, as it looks to have better functionality for what I want to do.
But, it's not working and I can't understand what's wrong…
On the x axis I would like to have 22 different dates, represented on the y by a box plot of 22*144 data points.
Error using boxchart
Expected ydata to be one of these types:
double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64
Error in boxchart (line 95)

Best Answer

I think the error is because you are using the syntax boxchart(xgroupdata,ydata), but your inputs are reversed. You put the grouping variable second. Also, your grouping data is not valid for use as xgroupdata.
From the documentation, if you want to use a cell array of characters, you must use the syntax
Therefore, try changing your code to