MATLAB: How to use blkdiag command to create a matrix such that its diagonal blocks are random 2 x 2 matrices


for k = 1 : 4
A = rand(2,2)
By using the above command I got 4 random matrices.How to create a block diagonal matrix of the form
a 0 0 0
0 b 0 0
0 0 c 0
0 0 0 d
(Size of this matrix will be 8×8.)
such that a is the first random 2×2 matrix , b is the second random 2×2 matrix and so on.
how to use blkdiag command so that I can get a 8×8 r block diagonal matrix with 4 random matrices as their diagonal blocks.

Best Answer

Acell=mat2cell(rand(8,2), ones(1,4)*2,2)