MATLAB: How to use as an input specific values


I have an output data from a simulink model.
I want to save the output data inside a loop for a two different input values.
How can I do that?
For example, I want to have, np = 800, as input in my simulink model and after that I want to save it as .mat file.
After that I want to do the same thing for input np = 1000.
for ii=1:199:200
np = 800+ii; % input variable to simulink model
sim('Simulink_Model'); % output data
save('Data.mat','M'); % save('FileName','Variables');
The above code gives me a M with 200 columns instead of 2 columns…

Best Answer

It is giving you 200 columns because you asked it to. I don’t have much recent Simulink experience, but perhaps something like this is what you want:
save_cols = 199:200;
for ii=1:length(save_cols)
np = 800+save_cols(ii); % input variable to simulink model
sim('Simulink_Model'); % output data
NOTE — This is UNTESTED CODE. It should work and it will probably give you the result you want.