MATLAB: How to use an USB 3 Basler cameras with the GPU Coder on the Nvidia Jetson TX2

GPU CoderImage Acquisition Toolboxmatlab codernvidia jetson tx2

I have problems to use an USB3 basler camera on the Nvidia Jetson TX2. I would like to generate the CUDA code with the Matlab GPU Coder.
Unfortunatly I can't see the cameras in the webcamlist.
hwobj = drive('drive-px2-name','ubuntu','ubuntu');
ans =
Is it only possible with webcams and not with industrial cameras?
Thank you for some hints.

Best Answer

Hi Caludio,
For accessing Jetson from MATLAB you should use jetson class, for E.g
hwobj = jetson('IPAddress','UserName','Password');
You are using the drive class for accessing the Jetson hardware.
Coming to your question,
Currently, "GPU Coder support package for NVIDIA GPUs" can only providing accessing webcam devices listed under /dev (i.e /dev/video*). These Basler cameras can not be listed since they use a proprietary driver from Basler.
we will register this requirement and try to enhance our software.
Thanks for using MathWorks Products.