MATLAB: How to use accelerometer block from simscape electronics

accelerometerrotating body modelSimscape ElectronicsSimscape Multibodysimulink

I am trying to use accelerometer block from simscape electronics block. i want to model the IMU sensing system in simulink. for that, i am using this block, But i am not able to understand what should be the input to this block.

Best Answer

The accelerometer bloc must be connected to an element from the mechanical translational domain (foundation library). The acceleration presented at the R port is mapped to an electrical signal.
If you want to use this bloc with Simscape multibody, you can interface the multibody domain with the mechanical translational domain, then connect the translational domain to the accelerometer. You can find examples on how to interface the multibody domain with the foundation domains in the Simscape Multibody Multiphysics Library.