MATLAB: How to use a vector as an input in a function

function vectorMATLAB

dear all
i wanna creat a function which use a vector and a digit as inputs. it is as below:
function [z]=(x,[m,n,o,p])
but it doesn't work!
how can i use a vector as inupt?
thanks alot

Best Answer

See the documentation on Function Basics (link).
Your code has a number of errors.
This corrected version works:
function [z]=f(x,v) % Define & Code Function ‘f’
z = x+v(1)+v(2)+v(3)+v(4);
z = f(42,[5 12 3 7]) % Call Function ‘f’
I will let you explore the reasons it does.
Note that if you are simply summing the elements of vector ‘v’, use the sum function. However, since I believe this is not your actual problem, I am summing the elements individually.