MATLAB: How to use a variable defined in an .m file in another .m file without defining the variable above

function callfunction handleguivariable

I have an .m file called Murthy.m and "lastRR_int" and "kk" are defined in Murthy.m. This is the main GUI function and when the button is pushed, it should call Murthy.m and get those variables and place the values to edittext1 and edittext2. Here is a part of my code:
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set(handles.edittext1,'string' ,lastRR_int);
set(handles.edittext2, 'string' , kk-1 );
and Murthy.m function example:
function maxloc=Murthy(result)
%kk = something1
%lastRR_int = something2
How to fix it? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Modify your function to:
function [kk,lastRR,maxloc]=Murthy(result)
kk = something1
lastRR_int = something2
When you call it, use: