MATLAB: How to use a string in legend()


I have the following string:
Now I want to use this string to produce a legend to my figure. So I use
and get this:
But I would like to have this,
which I got by using the following command:
Tthis is exactly the string Legend copied into the function legend().
How can I use directly the string Legend, without copying it to the function legend()?
Edit: I forgot the following code sniplet:
hold on;
for iter2 = 1:length(HG)
p(2*iter2-1)=plot(freq,real(n(:,iter2)), 'color', cc(iter2,:));
p(2*iter2)= plot(freq,imag(n(:,iter2)),'--', 'color', cc(iter2,:));
I use the variable p to skip all dotted lines in the legend.

Best Answer

Although Walter's comment already shows the problems with eval(), in case you still want to use the current method, then the closest you can get is something like this
fig = figure()
hold on
p(1) = plot(rand(1,10))
p(2) = plot(rand(1,10))
Legend_str1 = "[p(1) p(2)]";
Legend_str2 = "{'ABC', 'DEF'}";
legend(eval(Legend_str1), eval(Legend_str2))
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