MATLAB: How to use a push button to go to the next image in a listbox GUI

guiImage Processing Toolboxlistboxpushbuttonvalue

I have tried and tried and cannot get my piece of code to work, I know I'm lacking somewhat in knowledge. I am trying to go to the next value in the list box using the 'value' I know it might seem a bit pointless as I have the list box already that I can cycle through the images with but for the purpose of image processing this will make it easier to analyze each image,
function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.output = hObject;
picfromlist = get(handles.listbox1,'value');
nextpic = picfromlist + 1;
buttonpress(hObject, eventdata, handles);
guidata(hObject, handles);
The error I get is.
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in Groundtruth>pushbutton3_Callback (line 124)

Best Answer

To get it to "keep going", you will need to update the listbox value with the index that you just displayed. Starting with the code in my comment, add this:
if nextpic > length(MyListOfImages)
nextpic = MyListOfImages;
set(handles.listbox1,'Value', nextpic); % Update selection in listbox.
Since the selected item has been updated, the next time you push the button it will start with this updated value and do what you want. (The user can also override that by selecting a different item in the listbox, if they want, and it will use the item after that the next time they push the button.)