MATLAB: How to use a noise source in the model that passes the Simulink HDL Coder compatibility checker using HDL Coder

codercommunicationsgaussiangeneratorhdlHDL Codernoisepmsequencesupport

I would like to build a HDL coder compatible noise generator but neither gaussian nor uniform noise generator blocks are supported by Simulink HDL Coder.

Best Answer

The supported blocks list for the Simulink HDL coder for a particular release of MATLAB can be seen by typing the following at the MATLAB Command Window.
These blocks are not yet supported by the HDL coder.
To work around this issue, please use the PM Sequence Generator in Communications Blockset. This block is supported by Simulink HDL Coder. For more details on this block, please refer to the following documentation.
web([docroot '/toolbox/commblks/ref/pnsequencegenerator.html'])