MATLAB: How to use a MEX file generated from MATLAB Coder project that contains multiple entry-point functions

coderentry-pointMATLABmatlab codermexmultiple

I have a MATLAB Coder project that takes in multiple entry-point MATLAB functions. When I generated MEX file from it, only the function whose name is on top of the alphabetic order is generated. Where do the other entry-point functions go?

Best Answer

When generating a MEX file with multiple entry-point functions, the function name appears on top of the alphabetic order will be chosen by default as the MEX file name. However, that does not mean the generated MEX file is only providing that function and ignoring the other entry-point function. I think it is a good practice to provide your own naming of the output MEX file. In addition, the syntax of calling a particular entry-point function from the generated source file follows the pattern below:
>> [the, output, variables] = mexfilename('entrypointFcn', other, entry-point, function, arguments);
As a reference, the page numbered "20-89" of the following documentation explains more about the usage of multiple entry-point functions.